Hatton Special School

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Woodford Green
Essex IG8 8EU


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Hatton Special School

Hatton School: Lighting the fire of curiosity and enquiry in the mind of every pupil.

  1. News & Events
  2. School expansion

School expansion

Architect’s images of what the new building will look like.

24th February 2025

To the Hatton community,
The plans for the new upper school site at Park Avenue continue to develop. Construction companies have submitted their bids for the building work and very soon a contractor will be appointed. The practical work on creating our brand new upper school will begin.

As part of the preparation and planning process it has been recognised that it is unlikely the building work will be complete in time for us to occupy in September. To make sure there is a clear way forward and that adequate time is available a new plan has been put in place. We will now not occupy the building until January 2026. This will mean that we will have time to prepare the building, equip and set up the rooms and provide transition opportunities. Having a realistic timeline and clear way forward is in the best interests of all involved.

Milestones for pupils’ transition to the new school structure:

September 2025: all pupil will remain on our current site at Roding Lane, there will not be an increase in pupil numbers. We will continue to have 199 pupils on roll in September 2025.

October 2025: Building works competed and set up of new upper school site begins

November 2025: Transition visits for pupils and open day/evening for families

January 2026: Pupils and staff in year 4 and 5 will move to the new upper school site. Pupils in reception, year 1, 2 and 3 will remain at Roding Lane. Year 6 pupils will also stay at Roding Lane for their last two terms at Hatton

September 2026: Upper and lower school structure established for all. Reception, years 1, 2 and 3 will be at our lower school site at Roding Lane. Upper school pupils, years 4, 5 and 6, will be based at our upper school site a Park Avenue.

We will keep you up to date about developments as they progress and let you know how the building is taking shape once the contractors are on site.

Senior leaders will be available to answer questions and provide the latest news at parents evening on 12th March.


With best wishes,

Chris Smaling



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