Hatton Special School

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Roding Lane South
Woodford Green
Essex IG8 8EU


020 8551 4131

Hatton Special School

Hatton School: Lighting the fire of curiosity and enquiry in the mind of every pupil.

  1. About us
  2. SEND Information Report

SEND Information Report

Our SEND Information Report provides parents with detailed insights into how our school

supports students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). It outlines the

resources, strategies, and support we have in place to ensure every child can achieve their full potential.


This report describes our commitment to inclusivity and the specific measures we take to cater to

the diverse needs of our students. Reading this report will help you to be informed about the

support available and how we work with families and other professionals to support every pupil in their child's educational journey.



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