Hatton Special School

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Hatton Special School

Hatton School: Lighting the fire of curiosity and enquiry in the mind of every pupil.

  1. Curriculum
  2. The Curriculum

The Curriculum


Please click on the links above to go to each section or scroll down


"Information on data, statistics and research, including KS2 results can be found by clicking here” 


 The Curriculum


Planning lessons and recording progress

  • Pupils at our school access a modified national curriculum adapted to their level of development, and needs.
  • Curriculum maps have been carefully sequenced to provide learning opportunities across the whole range of national curriculum areas
  • Topics within each subject are revisited so that pupils consolidate and build knowledge and skills
  • The Hatton ‘I Cans’ progression frameworks show how knowledge and skills build and how pupils make progress
  • The information about prior achievements is recorded in the database - Earwig
  • Teachers know what each pupil has achieved previously, they can then plan appropriate next steps for learning.
  • Progress is added to the database and this supports leaders in tracking and monitoring groups or individuals. Progress indicated on the Earwig database, informs planning next time this theme comes up in the cycle.
  • In addition to the ‘I Cans’ progression frameworks, where appropriate, pupils access national assessments i.e. Reception baselines, phonics screening, SATS etc.    


Curriculum structure

Early Years Foundation Stage: Little Discoverers

In our nursery / reception class the children will follow the Foundation Stage Framework adapted to their needs and broken down into smaller steps to show progress


Year 1 – Year 6. 

Our Curriculum Model looks at developing foundation skills and then builds upon these in terms of the children’s’ knowledge, skills, understanding and experience. 

Our curriculum is structured into three tiers, these inform broad end points that pupils are aiming for without restricting them to a particular pathway or capping expectations. 

Explorers: Being Inquisitive and learning through Exploration

Pupils may experience significant and multiple barriers to learning, these include sensory needs, communication difficulties and behaviours that challenge participation in learning.

Investigators: Developing skills to help me learn

Pupils are more consistently able to access subject specific study. They have a preferred/consistent modality of communication.

Adventurers: Extending my skills

Pupils are beginning to access the National Curriculum and engage in subject specific study.


Personalising learning

Pupils’ individual EHCP outcomes and therapy goals are taught across subject areas and other activities throughout the day. 





Modern Foreign Languages at Hatton School – position statement 24/25


Hatton School recognises that languages are part of the cultural richness of our society and the world in which we live and work, and that learning languages contributes to mutual understanding, a sense of global citizenship and personal fulfilment. National Curriculum QCA 2009


As a Rights Respecting School we focus on Article 12 “Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously” and Article 13 “Every child must be free to say what they think and to seek and receive all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law”.  We also where possible focus on Article 30 “Every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family, regardless of whether these are shared by the majority of the people in the country where they live” and hence will not focus on a Foreign language.  Many of our children struggle with their communication skills at the most basic level and many may also have English as a second language / home language.


At Hatton School we value diversity and celebrate differences. We ensure that our curriculum is diverse and that our pupils learn to appreciate different countries, cultures, communities and people, as well as other protected characteristics. To support this staff who speak additional languages use these where possible to support pupils and families and where necessary translation services are utilised.


Currently pupils at Hatton School and Special Needs Centre are working at the following levels of attainment in English, In Autumn 22:

  • 12 of 191 (6%) children are working on the EYFS Profile
  • Around 68% are working at a level of non-subject specific study and or Pre KS 1 level where we will be prioritising skills identified in the engagement model i.e. aim is for increased engagement in different tasks and activities.
  • Around 19% of our pupils are working at a level of attainment comparable to Pre-key stage standards 2-6
  • 14 (7%) are working towards or on the national curriculum
  • None of the pupils are attaining at a level comparable to year 3 in literacy where Modern foreign languages would start to be taught.


The SEND code of practice states “in many cases, such planning [reference to potential areas of difficulty] will mean that pupils with SEND will be able to study the full national curriculum”.

It is our assertion that our pupils’ needs and their levels of attainment mean that they fall outside of the ‘many cases’ referred to in this statement in terms of teaching modern foreign languages.


Therefore school leaders decided not to include modern foreign languages within our KS2 curriculum. This decision will be reviewed for any pupil who is working at higher levels of attainment i.e. (Age related Equivalent) ARE Year 3.


Teaching Strategies / Approaches and Specialist areas


At Hatton School we use a wide range of strategies / approaches and Specialist areas to support learning.

Please click here to see the School Based Provision Map

Measuring Progress and Assessment

The adapted curriculum at Hatton School is broad and balanced and identifies and meets the variety of needs of our pupils.  The curriculum, alongside specialist teaching approaches, provides consistency throughout the school, whilst recognising developmental and age-related aspects to learning. Therefore, we have adapted and created assessment systems which accurately and meaningfully allow us to support the progress of our pupils.


At Hatton School, we use assessment:

To help pupils to: 

  • Develop skills to recognise and take pride in their own achievements, 
  • Focus on areas and skills that need to be strengthened, 
  • Allow them to be part of developing their own learning, 
  • Record their achievements, celebrate their success and share these with others. 

To help teachers to: 

  • Have a knowledge of each pupil’s particular abilities, skills and understanding, 
  • Plan future learning targets for individual pupils and groups. 
  • Plan future teaching through evaluation of materials, resources and strategies. 

To help the school to:   

  • Provide continuity and progression within school, to home and beyond. 
  • Evaluate effectively whole school curriculum planning and practice, 
  • Meet statutory requirements.
  • Provide progression data for individuals and groups. 
  • Contribute to effective transitions. 

To help parents/carers to: 

  • Know how their child is doing, 
  • Be aware of how best to help and encourage at home, 
  • Participate in celebrations of achievements.  


Principles of Assessment at Hatton School

Assessment lies at the heart of the process of promoting children’s learning.  It provides a framework within which educational objectives may be set and children’s progress expressed and monitored.  This is done, as much as possible, in partnership with the pupils and parents.  

Assessment is incorporated systematically into teaching and learning strategies to diagnose any areas for improvement, to track progress and identify strengths and areas to develop.  Assessment supports the school to strengthen learning across the curriculum and assists teachers to enhance their assessing skills. 

Assessment provides the basis for: 

  • acknowledging achievement (academic and personal) 
  • planning for learning  
  • recording experience, developing knowledge and skills 
  • reporting for a range of purposes and to different audiences (e.g. to parents/carers, to governors and to local authority)


Assessment approaches at Hatton School 

Types of Assessment 

Formative Assessment is the on-going assessment carried out by teachers both formally and informally.  Formative Assessment is also known as ‘assessment for learning’.  The outcome of formative assessments has a direct impact on the teaching and learning approaches and strategies employed immediately following the assessment.  Marking of children’s work / recording how they achieve tasks is also an important part of formative assessment and this is done through workbooks, photo evidence, video evidence, etc. 

Summative Assessment occurs at defined points in the school year.  Summative Assessment is also known as ‘assessment of learning’.  The outcome of summative assessments assist teachers in determining progress for specific subject areas or of specific skills, check if children are progressing at expected rates and make any necessary adjustments to support learning. 


At Hatton we use a range of assessments to support teaching and learning, these can be seen on Our Assessment Journey (click here)


EHCP outcomes

Across all Key Stages, we track progress towards EHCP outcomes through monitoring these on our Earwig assessment tool.  These may link to specific subject areas or are stand-alone targets, each EHCP outcome is personal to that child and will be one of the areas that is focused on through the year.


Reading at Hatton School


Reading is a core skill for leading as full a life as possible, for all children including those with various levels of SEN. Our cohort is a broad one, including students who are pre-verbal to students who can express themselves verbally. We promote reading for all, because it is one of the key skills to support them through life and in the future help them strive towards employment, independent living and help them to read for pleasure.

At Hatton School developing communication skills is at the core of the curriculum. Communication opportunities are at the centre of all learning activities throughout the school day. Emphasis is placed on the importance of engaging, fun and meaningful interactions and experiences. Hatton School promotes a total communication approach using specific interventions personalised to each child and many of these support the foundations of reading.


Key approaches, strategies and activities to support reading, writing and communication

Please also seeHatton School Whole  School Approach to Reading (click here)

Here at Hatton we use a wide range of approaches, strategies and approaches personalised to support communication, literacy and language and meet the individual needs of the children these include:

  • Sound recognition (awareness of sound and tuning into sound.)
  • Awareness of symbols within their environment, i.e. critical communication boards, base boards, ‘now and next’ boards, ‘I am working for’ cards, critical communication key-ring.
  • A systematic approach of learning to communicate using a picture exchange communication system (for children who are non-verbal).
  • Staff use Makaton signs to reinforce what they are saying.
  • Phonological awareness and phonics
  • Communication and language programmes implemented through individual, small group and whole class sessions.
  • Multi-sensory teaching
  • Treatment and education of autistic and related communication handicapped children (TEACCH) – (structured teaching) i.e. visually structured environment, visual daily schedules, visually structured tasks to develop pupils understanding of expectations.
  • Developing vocabulary – out and about trips, visits to mainstream schools.
  • Development of Gross Motor Skills – e.g. ball skills, jumping, therapy balls, paint wheels.
  • Development of fine motor-skills – e.g. puzzles, peg boards, threading. 
  • Reading fluency, including oral reading skills, book handling skills
  • Reading comprehension strategies e.g. colourful semantics, Look and See, PECs
  • Experience a variety of texts, in a variety of settings e.g. Tesco, local café, road safety. 
  • Makaton 
  • Use of computers, cameras, iPod touch and iPads across all curriculum areas – applications for all subjects can be accessed inside and outside of the classroom.   

Phonics (Little Wandles)

At Hatton School our children respond well to systematic teaching, therefore our approach to teaching phonics is sequential in order to develop pupil’s fluency and confidence in reading.  We plan and teach phonics according to the systematic teaching of the Little Wandles phonics programme. Structured phonics teaching should take place every day through either 1:1 teacher time, whole class teaching or throughout the day in their environment as cross curricular activities. 


Sight Reading (See and Learn)

We recognise that children are expected to learn to read through the reading of phonics, however for some of our children this is not an appropriate approach.  We assume all children will learn to read through access to the structured reading of phonics, but when this appears not to be the case their needs are assessed. They are then placed onto our sight vocabulary programme if this is deemed to be more appropriate.


Foundations of Reading

(Paragraph moved and changed) If children are not ready for a structured reading program whether that is the systematic phonics in phase 2-5 or the see and learn sight program, then the foundations of reading will be a daily focus. The foundations of reading are very important as they are the root to meaning, communication and engagement for those more formal reading skills.  The principles and skills for this will continue to be developed even when children have moved onto the systematic phases of phonics or see and learn program.


Children are assessed regularly and when secured in the foundations of reading they will then be moved on to either our Little Wandles Phonics or the See and Learn sight reading programme dependent on individual needs.

– Foundations of reading model.


Supporting learning at home

As a school we are always trying to develop our pupils learning opportunities both in school and at home.  As a result we will –

  • Send home children’s termly targets so parents can work on these at home
  • Share any programmes that the children are working on
  • Children have access to programmes through the website – Purple Mash, Education City & Busy Things
  • families can gain ideas to support learning and get ideas for activities through the schools Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
  • Home learning will be sent home if appropriate
  • Reading books will be sent home if appropriate 


Click here to see the video about our VLE

Engaging families

Engaging with parents is one of the most important things at Hatton, we want to develop a way of working collaboratively to ensure that each individual will develop to be their best at school and at home.

As a school we –

  • Deliver training to support parents in helping their children to learning and develop skills to help them with their communication, independence etc.
  • Send home Newsletters, termly learning journeys etc.
  • We send home termly reports stating how they have progressed in their targets
  • We hold Entry meetings when new pupils start at Hatton (Within first term)
  • Annual Reviews and Parents evenings
  • We send home information through the home school book, via email or by phoning parents
  • We have coffee mornings through the year
  • The Hatton School Friends Association (HSFA) hosts different events through the year
  • We ask for opinions through questionnaires and surveys
  • Parents are part of the school’s governing body

As families we would like you to be as involved in the school as you can be, we would encourage you to –

  • Share experiences you have at home through writing in the home school book or emailing us
  • Engage in training, coffee mornings etc.
  • Come along to the HSFA events to enjoy the activities and also meet new friends
  • Please let us know how you feel through completing the questionnaires and surveys

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