Message from Headteacher
A message from our Headteacher – Mr Chris Smaling
I am very proud to be the Headteacher of Hatton Special School and it is my pleasure to welcome you to our website.
We are a large, inclusive primary special school for almost 200 pupils with complex needs. We offer an ambitious curriculum and enriching learning experiences for all of our children aimed at systematically developing their knowledge, skills and understanding of themselves and the world around them. Alongside this we also plan for learning and development of individual pupils’ EHCP goals and their communication, social interaction and emotional regulation skills.
I am immensely proud of our large team of highly trained and dedicated staff, including our onsite therapy team. Working together, with support from other professionals, they ensure that our pupils are given a high level of personalised support to access the curriculum so that they can learn and achieve outstanding outcomes.
We are one of only a small number of schools in the UK to be awarded GOLD status as a UNICEF Rights Respecting School. We pride ourselves at having gained this award for putting our children, their needs and rights at the heart of all that we do in terms of our policies, procedures and practice. We have also been awarded centre of excellence status for the Quality Inclusion Mark. This award celebrates that ‘inclusion is at the very centre of all of the school’s work’. Centre of Excellence brings schools together to share and continually build on inclusion best practice.
As a school we recognise the important role that parents and carers make to their child’s progress and development. All families are encouraged to become active members of the Hatton community through effective home school communication, opportunities for training, workshops and visits to the school to be part of their child’s educational experience.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website, I hope you found what you were looking for. If not or if you would like more information then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the school office, who will be more than happy to help you.
If you are not able to find what you are looking for on our website or have a question please do not hesitate to contact me via and we will be only too happy to answer your question and send you the information you are seeking via email or a paper copy free of charge.
Chris Smaling