Making a Difference
We are Ambassadors and Thank You for your Support!
Our RRSA lead is Mrs Joanna Denne and she works with the School Student Council to gather opinions, thoughts and suggestions from all pupils so that appropriate action may be taken to improve our school, and to organise events and fundraising to support our local, national and international communities and charities.
Article 24
"Every child has the right to the best possible health.
Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this”.
Our fundraising events help to promote a sense of global citizenship and make children aware of what’s happening in the wider world. They have really encouraged our children to want to take action to protect children’s rights all over the world.
Over the past few years we have taken part in:
UNICEF’s annual Day for Change, Bring-a Pound for Syria Day,
Comic Relief and Out Right, Smile Train, Children in Need.
‘As a Rights Respecting school we have raised a great amount of money to
support children whose rights are being denied. Supporting other children who have their rights
denied reminds us how fortunate we are.’