Hatton Special School

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Roding Lane South
Woodford Green
Essex IG8 8EU


020 8551 4131

Hatton Special School

Hatton School: Lighting the fire of curiosity and enquiry in the mind of every pupil.

  1. About us
  2. Safeguarding
  3. Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding Team

Manuela Mansfield, Deputy Headteacher, is the Designated  Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection and Safeguarding.
Chris Smaling, Headteacher, is the Deputy Designated  Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection and Safeguarding.
David Gardner, Deputy Headteacher, is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection and Safeguarding.
Samara Cameron, Assistant Headteacher, is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead responsible for Child Protection and Safeguarding.
Karen, Family Support Advisor, is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead responsible for Child Protection and Safeguarding.
Belinda, Family Support Advisor Assistant, is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead responsible for Child Protection and Safeguarding.
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